Here is a screenshot of blender in action with work created by me.
So it's come to my attention that I should probably let people know what apps I use.
If you happened upon this blog, you might be under the impression that I use expensive software to get this done. Maybe you think, he should have!
I used to, when I worked for other people. And I imagine, should I get hired on full time again, I'll be using it again.
But it doesn't need to be that way.
I currently work with open source software.
All 3D work I do is done in the amazing program provided by the Blender Foundation.
All digital paint work I do is done with the awesome, MyPaint.
All image manipulation work I do is currently done using the GIMP. It needs help to get to the next version!
All virtual lighttable work I do, is currently done using Darktable.
Video Editing is done using Kdenlive.
Openshot looks promising though.
And yeah. I work in a free operating system environment.
But there are other nice looking linux distros out there that are starting to catch my eye.
great sketching tools. Which you may already know about.